Estriol and Progesterone Lotion

Natural Estriol USP 0.15% and Progesterone USP 1.5%

Average 10 drop application contains 0.5 mg estriol and 5 mg progesterone

ClearPatch Natural Estriol and Progesterone Lotion is a transdermal preparation containing Estriol USP 1.5mg/ml and Progesterone USP 15 mg/ml (0.05/0.5 mg Estriol/Progesterone per average drop).  Both Estriol and Progesterone are fully dissolved and easily absorbable.

Ingredients:  Natural Progesterone USP 1.5% (450 mg/oz) and Estriol USP 0.15% (45mg/oz), both derived from yams, in a lotion base of propylene glycol, ethyl alcohol, water, oleic acid and hydroxypropylcellulose.  Contains no parabens.

Applications per container:  One-ounce bottle delivers about 90 10-drop applications (0.5 mg estriol and 5 mg progesterone per 10-drop application).

ClearPatch® Lotion:  the Clear Advantage
    • Excellent transdermal absorption - absorbs readily from skin surface

    • Both hormones are 100% dissolved and fully bioavailable

    • Ease of use: required dose is contained in a small amount of lotion, which can be inconspicuously applied any time. Dose measurement is achieved by counting drops

    • Convenience: small 1-ounce bottle easily fits in purse

  • Human-friendly ingredients

Consulting your health care professional is recommended before using this product

Dr. John R.  Lee and other authors* recommend using estriol in addition to progesterone when progesterone alone is not sufficient to alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and “foggy thinking”.


An appropriate dose is the minimal amount that alleviates hormonal imbalance symptoms.  To find out how much you need start with 5 drops once or twice daily.  Increase the dose gradually until symptoms subside or disappear; do not exceed 40 drops per day without consulting your doctor.  After 1 - 2 months try decreasing the number of drops to find the correct dose for your body.  Use the smallest dose at which symptoms don’t reoccur.
ClearPatch Natural Estriol and Progesterone Lotion can be applied once (in the morning) or twice a day (in the morning and before retiring).  In most cases it is better to use it twice a day.  If the late evening application causes undesired increase of energy, apply the lotion no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Dr. John R. Lee and other authors* recommend using progesterone for:

Menopause or postmenopause:

5 - 20 drops once or twice daily for 21 days; discontinue for 7 days and repeat.
If discontinuation causes difficult to tolerate reoccurrence of symptoms, the break can be shortened to 3 days.  The break is necessary to maintain the sensitivity of progesterone and estrogen receptors, as well as to prevent its possible buildup in the body.

Women who do not menstruate can also use an easier to remember alternative application schedule: use the lotion for 25 days of the calendar month and discontinue for the rest of the month.

Women who do not menstruate can also use an easier to remember alternative application schedule: use the lotion for 25 days of the calendar month and discontinue for the rest of the month.

Start using in the middle of your cycle between the 10-th and 12-th day depending on the cycle's length.  First day of cycle is the first day of menstruation.  Use 5 - 20 drops once or twice daily for 14 days.  When irregular cycles cause earlier menstruation, discontinue using until the middle of next cycle.  Cycles should become normalized after 2 - 3 months of usage.  Insufficient progesterone level in the body causes reduced sensitivity of estrogen receptors.  Initial progesterone supplementation restores their sensitivity, which may cause some women to experience certain symptoms related to estrogen dominance: water retention, headache and enlarged breasts. It is important to remember that these symptoms will disappear in two weeks to two months.

How and where to apply:
Invert bottle holding it vertically for proper drop delivery.  Gently massage to thin skin areas: palms, inner arms, chest, neck or backside of the knees.  It is best to alternate between application sites.  Apply to clean skin only.  Do not apply other lotions or creams to the area of ClearPatch application - they can reduce hormone absorption.

In case a larger dose of progesterone is needed while using Estriol/Progesterone lotion, you can add the necessary progesterone dose by simultaneously using one of the ClearPatch Progesterone lotions. Do not exceed a total of 20 mg progesterone daily.  For best results apply each lotion to different area of skin.

Replacing HRT with natural estriol and progesterone:
If you are using standard hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and want to switch to health-promoting natural estriol and progesterone, Dr. Lee* recommends complete discontinuation of synthetic progestins if your therapy includes them, reduce estrogen dose initially by half, then gradually taper off while using ClearPatch Natural Estriol and Progesterone Lotion.  Eventually, many women can discontinue using estrogens other than estriol.

Contraindications to estrogens use include the following:

-   Suspected or previously diagnosed estrogen-dependent neoplasia (breast or advanced stage uterine cancer)
-   Active thrombosis or embolic disease
-   Undiagnosed uterine bleeding
-   Active liver disease or severely impaired liver function

Do not use Estriol and Progesterone Lotion when pregnant or planning to become pregnant, if you experience estrogen dominance symptoms or while using hormone-based birth control medications.  Consult a physician if you have any serious illness or use prescription medication.

* Information in this publication is based on the following books, which offer detailed explanation of women's and men's hormone balance issues, hormone balance programs, as well as detailed descriptions of how to use natural hormones. Although most of the information in the books has been provided for women, they contain a wealth of information applicable to men:

John R. Lee, M.D. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause: The Breakthrough Book on Natural Progesterone.

John R. Lee, M.D. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause: Balance Your Hormones and Life from Thirty to Fifty.

John R. Lee, M.D. Hormone Balance for Men. Available online at

Uzzi Reiss, M.D. Natural Hormone Balance.

Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. Natural Hormone Replacement.

Joseph McWherter, M.D. Avoiding Breast Cancer While Balancing Your Hormones.

For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes.
Keep out of reach of children.
Store at room temperature away from strong sources of heat and light.

Information in this publication is not intended to replace any medical treatment
prescribed by your physician.
For those with chronic medical problems
or taking a regularly prescribed medication, please consult your health care practitioner.

All providers of natural remedies are required to post the following:

Statements in this publication have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Information for California residents

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GentlePharmacy dot com